call us on 07830 181497

What you can expect from us …

Fabric swatchesThere is such a difference in having a dress/outfit made for you, as opposed to buying one in a shop. We are all different shapes and sizes.

When you buy a dress ‘off the peg,’ the armhole may gape, there may be too much/too little material across the chest, it may be too long/too short in hem length or sleeve length, or a lovely dress but not in the right colour.

At English Elegance we can help you to choose an outfit that not only suits your style and body shape, it will be hand fitted to you, and be in a material and colour of your choice.

Be prepared to spend at least an hour with us, discussing your ideas, looking at patterns, and discussing how many or what you would specifically like. We do not recommend that you buy a pattern before consulting with us, as pattern sizes and ready to wear sizes are very different!

Multi-coloured zips

Once you have selected your outfit, we will be able to advise on the type of fabric and amounts that will be needed to make your chosen garment. Not all fabrics will be suitable for all designs, and it is best to wait until you have spoken with us, before purchasing any fabric. Or if you wish, we can buy the fabric for you.

You will have at least two fittings. One or two part way through the garment construction period, and one when it is completed.

During your fittings it is recommended that you wear the underwear that you will be wearing with the outfit, to achieve the best fit, as these all affect the ‘hang’ of the garment. Having the correct shoes is imperative, as we cannot get the length of the hem right without them.

I am here to create your dream garment, having an outfit made especially for you, can be a lot of fun, it can set you ahead of your friends (as it is unlikely anyone else will be wearing the same outfit), and the results can be amazing!